Aworth News

Land Registry compliant plans
October 14, 2019
HM Land Registry can trace its roots back to 1857, when the Royal Commission on Registration of Title proposed a system of registration administered by a central registry in London with district offices.
At first, registration was not compulsory and, once property was registered, there was no compulsion to register any subsequent transactions. This began to change when London County Council was attracted to the idea of compulsory registration and voted in favour of it, seeing it introduced in stages between 1899 and 1902.
Today, according to HM Land Registry, registration establishes proof of ownership and produces an easy-to-read document reflecting the contents of all the paper title deeds. This simplifies conveyancing, making transactions easier and potentially less costly for all involved.
When HM Land Registry registers a property, it prepares a register and a title plan. The purpose of the title plan is to support the property description in the register by providing a graphic representation and identifying the general extent of the land in a registered title. In addition to showing the land in a registered title, a title plan may contain other plan references which identify any parts of the land or adjoining land affected by entries in the register, such as easements, covenants or areas of land removed from the title.
Basing the title plans on Ordnance Survey mapping enables the preparation of plans to a satisfactory standard and enables HM Land Registry to relate individual title plans to one another.
At Aworth Survey Consultants, we prepare Land Registry compliant plans using the current Ordnance Survey mapping and, if necessary, we will survey the location of boundary features that have changed or are required for a new land parcel to be registered.
Lease plans and plans for conveyances or inheritance purposes are just a few applications where compliant plans may be needed, as well as assisting with the division of estates. If there is a problem with the location of a boundary, we can also help by providing surveys and expert reports for dispute resolution.
For new boundaries we can produce suitable plans and any necessary fieldwork to aid your application to Land Registry to register new property and titles.
Our experienced team provides Land Registry compliant plans to property professionals, solicitors, conveyancers and landowners alike.