Environmental Reports & Data

Maps@Aworth offers an extensive range of Groundsure environmental, geological, flood and coal data reports, tailored either to commercial or residential purposes. Our products include:

  • Residential Homebuyers Report. A robust risk-rated environmental screening report for residential homes, enabling homebuyers to purchase with confidence.
  • Commercial Review. High-quality due diligence reports, providing a clear assessment of environmental and flood risks.
  • Residential or Commercial Planning Report. A comprehensive insight into current and future developments and planning applications in the local area.
  • Residential Ground Stability Report. The report will identify potential risks from natural and man-made subsidence, including essential detail on the industrial and mining history.
  • Commercial Screening Report. An environmental search report designed to help solicitors address their obligations under The Law Society Warning Card on Contaminated Land.
  • Coal Report. Coal mining search report for non-domestic properties or properties where development is planned, from a single plot up to 25 hectares.

All our reports come in PDF format with hard copies available on request.

From £25 + VAT

To buy now, or for further, advice please call 01825 768379 or email maps@aworth.co.uk

We provide same day turnaround on many of our products. 

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